The church of St Mary’s, Stoke-by-Nayland in Suffolk, on a sunny day. Angela Colclough

Save our last chance churches

Please give now to support the 18 last chance churches with urgent repair works. Donations of any amount will be doubled.*

We want to keep churches open and in use. Available to all. Our last chance churches desperately need help, are close to giving up, and struggling to see a way forward. We hope that we can change this with your valued support. Every £1 you donate, thanks to an anonymous donor, will be doubled*. Your gift will have twice the impact.  

*Your gift will be doubled up to the first £500,000; after we have raised £500,000 in match-funding and doubled it to create a fund of £1 million, all donations will go to the general good work of the National Churches Trust, helping to keep UK churches well maintained and open for all.