Gift Aid
Your donation could be worth more at no extra cost to you
What is Gift Aid?
If you are a UK taxpayer, you can make your donation go further at no extra cost with Gift Aid. Donating through Gift Aid means that charities can reclaim an extra 25p of tax from the UK Government for every £1 that you donate.
By allowing us to claim Gift Aid on your donation, you could help us to reach even more historic churches with support.
Make your donation go further
You can make a Gift Aid declaration by:
- Ticking the Gift Aid box on any of our online or printed donation forms
- Downloading our Gift Aid declaration form to print and send in the post
- Make a declaration by emailing us at info@nationalchurchestrust.org
Check that you qualify
In order for us to claim Gift Aid, you need to:
- Be a UK taxpayer
- Have paid enough Income or Capital Gains tax to cover Gift Aid claimed on your behalf
More information about Gift Aid
Donations are covered by Gift Aid if the individual pays sufficient UK tax.
You only need to declare once. A declaration will cover the previous four years and any donations made in the future.
If you are a higher rate taxpayer, we can still only reclaim the basic rate. However, you can claim the difference when submitting your annual tax return.
If you stop paying tax or wish to cancel your Gift Aid declaration, you can get in contact with us.
Donate to the National Churches Trust and claim Gift Aid
With Gift Aid, your support will go even further. Help our work to save the UK’s historic churches.
Please donate now