Wolfson Fabric Repair Grants
On behalf of the Wolfson Foundation, we award grants towards essential fabric repairs at churches in England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales.
These grants are usually up to £10,000 and are offered in partnership with the Wolfson Foundation. Historic places of worship can apply for a Wolfson grant via the National Churches Trust’s Medium and Large grant programmes (depending on the size of the project).
Key Information
The Wolfson Foundation grants can be allocated to fabric repairs at church buildings of all Christian denominations. They must be of heritage significance and listed Grade I or II* in England and Wales, Grade A or B+ listed in Northern Ireland, and Grade A or B listed in Scotland.
Repairs will usually be identified as Category A or B recommendations in the most recent Quinquennial Inspection report, or as urgent repairs in condition surveys. Typically projects include roof repairs, masonry repairs, rainwater disposal and drainage, and floorwork.
The National Churches Trust’s core programme criteria will apply, these include:
- Projects must be overseen by an architect with appropriate conservation accreditation
- 50% of the required funding needs to have been secured at point of application
- Permissions must be in place
- Projects that have benefited from a ChurchCare/Wolfson Foundation fabric repairs grant within the previous five years
- Projects that have benefited from a Wolfson Foundation capital grant within the previous five years
- Wolfson funds do not fund the renewal of heating and lighting, or the installation of facilities, e.g. WCs (though these might still be eligible via our Large Grant Programme), access improvements etc.
- Any Category D (or lower) recommendation arising from a QI report
- VAT recovery
The National Churches Trust’s scoring criteria apply, these can be found in the relevant guidance note. These take into account:
- Significance of the building
- Urgency of the proposed works
- Need for the works
- Appropriateness of the proposals
- Financial need of the parish - we use a parish’s financial situation and the UK Government’s Index of Multiple Deprivation as indicators to assist this process.
These terms and conditions are subject to change. The grant offer letter will contain the most up to date version. Please see the programme guidance note for the current list:
- You must not have started the works before the application deadline. You may have started the work at the time of award, but we cannot pay for work that has already been completed at this time
- We require the production of a maintenance plan (templates can be found here)
- All churches receiving a grant will be awarded one year’s free subscription of our Church Membership.
Apply online via the Medium Grant Programme for projects costing between £20,000 and £80,000
Apply online via the Large Grant Programme for projects costing over £80,000
Questions can be viewed in advance. Do please read the guidance notes.
You will be prompted to upload the following information:
- Architect's specification/schedule of works
- Latest quinquennial inspection report
- Statement of your church’s most recent annual audited accounts
- A copy of permissions
- Images of the exterior and interior of your church
- A plan and/or elevation of your church clearly showing the location of the proposed works, if applicable
- A grant offer letter from the National Lottery Heritage Fund of other major funder, if applicable
The Wolfson Foundation Fabric Repairs Grants Programme has been administered by the Cathedral & Church Buildings Division (ChurchCare) of the Church of England since 2000. You can find out details of their previous awards here.
From 2020 administration of the Wolfson Foundation funds for fabric repairs has moved to the National Churches Trust.
We know how challenging applying for grants can be for parishes, with applications having to be made to many funding bodies. We have worked with the Wolfson Foundation and ChurchCare on this change to deliver a simplified funding application process for fabric repairs. This move cuts down on the number of applications parishes need to make, to access two funding pots. The Church of England supports these changes.
All grants currently awarded are unaffected by these changes in administration. ChurchCare continues to be the main point of contact for the grants already awarded, or currently pending. Please continue to contact the Conservation Grants Administrator at the Cathedral & Church Buildings Division of the Church of England (also known as ChurchCare) with any enquiries and for claims. All grants awarded will be paid by them, subject to the terms & conditions in the award letter.
If you have been awarded a ChurchCare fabric repairs grant or a Wolfson Foundation capital grant within the last 5 years, you will not be eligible for another grant from the Wolfson Foundation. However, you can still apply for National Churches Trust funding.
No. The Wolfson Foundation is continuing to provide £400,000 per year towards the fabric repair of historic church buildings.
The Church of England’s conservation grants programmes administered by the Cathedral & Church Buildings Division (ChurchCare) will continue with its focus on conservation of historic interiors.