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33 churches saved for the future by our latest grants


Thirty-three churches across the UK will stay open and in good repair thanks to £473,750 of funding awarded by the National Churches Trust in our latest round of grants. 

“We’re delighted that the National Churches Trust is able to support so many churches – safeguarding the unique heritage inside these wonderful buildings and keeping them open for the benefit of local people," shares Claire Walker, Chief Executive of the National Churches Trust. 


Show me the impact of our grants 

Through our Large and Medium grants, we have been able to reach churches across the UK with vital support, enabling them to keep their buildings well maintained and open for all. 

Hear from the churches what a grant means to them 

“It is hugely challenging for a small rural church with responsibility for such a significant and unique historic building to raise the money for essential repairs and maintenance," shares Reverend Kevin Hasler, Rector and Ministry Area Leader for the Diocese of Monmouth, Wales. 

“The help and support offered to us by the National Churches Trust has been exceptional and we are so grateful that we have this funding to help us replace our well-worn roof and protect our magnificent and special rood screen and preserve this site for generations to come.” 

“We are very grateful to the National Churches Trust and the Wolfson Foundation for their financial support in the restoration of this historic place of worship and community centre," says Friar James Walls, Parish Priest at St Mary the Immaculate Conception Church in Lochee, Dundee.  

“The grant breathes life into our restoration programme and enables us to start essential work on the exterior of this Grade A listed building.”  

“We are very grateful to the National Churches Trust, the Wolfson Foundation and the Headley Trust for their support of our project," shares Reverand Dave Clark, from St Oswald church in Askrigg, Yorkshire. 

“The tower has been damp for a very long time, but the project to solve this issue has been too big to undertake by previous generations. This is why we are so pleased that with the help of these grants it will be possible to secure the physical structure of the church building for future generations.”  

Saving churches together 

The grants are made possible thanks to our Friends and supporters, including the Wolfson Foundation, Headley Trust and Pilgrim Trust, which enables us to reach even more churches across the UK with urgent funding. 

“As well as being places of worship and buildings of beauty, churches sit at the heart of the community. In many ways they stand between the past and present,” says Paul Ramsbottom, Chief Executive of the Wolfson Foundation.  

“We are thrilled to continue our partnership with the National Churches Trust to support the preservation of these significant, much-loved historic buildings across the UK.” 

Whether seeking quiet reflection, access to community services, or as a place to worship, the National Churches Trust helps hundreds of churches each year and with the support of local people, keeps them open and thriving.